Learn Formal Business Japanese

a sample email to make a Complaint

There may be times where you would like to make a complaint due to an unpleasant experience from a product or service. Similar to in English, it is important you don't starting sending hostile and insulting messages, as such behaviour does not result in any productive resolution. Instea, the message should clearly express (1) your frusturation (2) why you feel it was an undesirable experience (3) how you feel it could have been better.

Sample in Japanese

(View underneath for the English translation.)

件名: 注文した部品について

資材課長 杉本様

武田商事 営業のトーマスと申します。




営業 トーマス・ジョナサン

Click here for a sample template

(Below is just a general feeling of what the Japanese email is saying) 

Subject: In regards to the parts we purchased.

Dear Asahi Maru Tekkou
Material Manager Mr. Sugimoto

(Typical opening greeting.)
Thank you always for your business.
This is Thomas from the sales department of Takeda Trading Corporation.  

(Explain the issue)
We heard from Mr. Kato that the parts we purchased will be delivered
at 11 A.M. on the following day. However, the parts not only arrived six days
later, but several parts were damaged.  

(Explain why you are frustrated)
We understand that there can be occasions where the products may not
arrive on time, but our clients are impacted because of the broken parts
and the delay in the delivery.

(Explain what your expectations are)
Thus, I'm afraid I have no choice but to express my disappointment with
the situation. We hope that you will deal with this situation accordingly.

Thank you
Sales Department
Thomas Johnathan

Topic: Complaint Example

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