Learn Formal Business Japanese

Mail (Conventional)

I find Japan's mailing system fairly simple once you know how to use it. I have drawn some diagrams which shows what to write on an envelope if you plan to send mail "domestically."

If there is interest in how to send international mail, please kindly let me know and I will make another section ;-)

Envelope Format

Topic: Postal Mail

Date 27/01/2017
By Nishtiih
Subject Email In Japanese and Sonkeigo expressions

Hello there ,
i happened to visit this site while i was studying about honorifics in japanese
and i found that your website is a great resource for doing the same
I want to know how to fill the contents in the letter writting
also if its possible ,can you give lot of examples about the sonkeigo that you are using while serving in the japanese office
i would be of great help for me
Thanks and regards,
Nishith S


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