Learn Formal Business Japanese
Terms are divided alphabetically. Please select one of the following
- A-G
残高 (Zandaka) = Balance (In the Bank)
- 今月使いすぎて、残高にはもう何も残っていません。
- I have nothing left in my balance since I overspent this month.
金利 (Kinri) = Interest Rate
- 景気回復に伴い、近々金利が上昇する可能性も出てきました。
- There is a chance interest rates may rise due to the improvement in the economy.
利子 or 利息 (Rishi or Risoku) = Interest
- このごろ利息の過払いで、法律上問題がでてるところもあります。
- These days, there have been numerous legal issues due to problems related to the overpayment of interest.
単利 (Tanri) = Simple Interest
- 単利だけの投資では老後資金の為になっていない。
- Investing based in simple interest (as opposed to compound interests) doesn't help much for retirement funds.
複利 (Fukuri) = Compound Interest
- 投資をした場合、複利効果を狙った投資手法が効果的と言われている。
- It is important to consider compound interest in your investment schemes.
日経平均 (Nikkei Heikin) = The Nikkei (Stock Index)
- 自民党に戻ってから日経平均株価は大幅に上昇した。
- The Nikkei (Price) increased significantly after the LDP party returned back to power.
株 or 株式 (Kabu or Kabushiki) = Stock Equity (i.e. Company Shares)
- 景気が良い時は株式投資が盛んになりますので、株価も上昇する傾向があります。
- Stock trading increases generally when an economy is in a good state, and stock prices usually rise as well with this.
債券 (Saiken) = Bonds (Fixed Income)
- 老後の安定収入を得たい場合、債券を買うのも良い手段だと思います。
- It can be a good idea to buy bonds in order to achieve a stable flow of cash revenue for retirement.
デリバティブ (Deribatibu) = Derivative instruments
- 本来デリバティブは予測が困難なマーケットリスク等をヘッジするために用いる金融商品ですが、リスクを好む投機家の遊び道具として近年使われるケースも出てきているようだ。
- Derivative instruments are generally used for hedging against unforseen events and market risk, but recently there has been cases where risk-seeking speculators will use it as their new financial toy.