Learn Formal Business Japanese

Learning Business Japanese

To briefly introduce myself, my name is Dennis, I am mixed, half Japanese half American. Having lived in Japan since I was a child, I was lucky to have the opportunity to work in Tokyo in both Japanese firms and multinational firms over the past 10 years, mainly in the financial and IT sector. I made this website hoping I can help those who are working in Japan (or plan to work in Japan) some tips with everything I learned in my career. Also, if there is any topic about Japanese that you would like me to discuss about, please feel free to request using the "contact me" section on the left, and I will make sure to write about it on this website.




Also, if you're interested in learning Japanese fundamentals, please kindly check my father's site.

Business Japanese Etiquette

It is obvious that, like anywhere, understanding the etiquette and the language of the country is essential when doing business, and Japan is no different. Although nothing beats being able to speak fluently in Japanese, I would argue that one does not need to be be fluent in the Japanese language to do business effectively in Japan. Instead, it is more important that you are considerate about the cultural differences, and that you "show" motivation in learning the Japanese business practices and etiquette, and your Japanese colleagues and clients will respond with great respect as well.


This sites intention is not to help teach Japanese, per se, but to assist with understanding the business etiquette of Japan as well as the points of formal Japanese. Thus it is expected that you have a working knowledge of beginner to intermediate level written/spoken Japanese. Also, I have tried to make this site as informative as possible, but if there are topics you would like me to post on this website, feel free to request in the form in the Contact Us link on the top left. You can also send me an email directly at thejapanesekeigo@gmail.com, and I will try to reply to you as soon as possible. Although my background is mainly finance/IT, I still feel comfortable explaining business topics related to other fields as well. Obviously this site has only just begun so it can be somewhat empty so far, but I hope to see this site grow and encompass many topics as time passes.

Thank you!



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